Warnock Spends Thousands on Private Security, Attacks Second Amendment

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

ATLANTA – Today, Team Herschel released the following statement after Raphael Warnock spent over $200,000 in private security so far in 2022, even though he is one of the leading advocates of gun control in the Senate and has been vocal about targeting law-abiding citizens who lawfully possess firearms for years.

Warnock is a cosponsor of S. 736, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021 Act, and S. 529, the Background Check Expansion Act, two pieces of legislation that infringe on Georgian’s Second Amendment rights.

In a 2014 sermon, Raphael Warnock spoke against pro-Second Amendment elected officials and law-abiding citizens who bear arms.

“You’ve got politicians who go to church every Sunday morning and then walk into that capitol, stand under that gold dome, and come up with the dumbest legislation you can ever imagine,” Warnock said. “Think about all the crazy people you bump into just on the routine, every week. On your job, on the street, some of them in church. … Imagine all them people with guns.”

“Them people” Warnock is referring to are law-abiding Georgians.

“Raphael Warnock has done more for Joe Biden than for law-abiding Georgians,” said campaign spokesperson Mallory Blount. “Washington Warnock has consistently attacked Georgian’s Second Amendment rights and partnered with liberal Washington politicians. Even though Raphael Warnock talks like Georgia and pretends that he’s working for Georgia, he still votes with Joe Biden 96% of the time. Here in Georgia, we believe in upholding the U.S. Constitution. Georgia needs a Senator who will represent them and fight to defend their Constitutional rights, not one who actively works to take them away.”